Whether it’s a balance shift from working with your kids in the virtual classroom, working from home, learning how to order groceries online, or spending more time with your family and less time socializing with your peers, we have all seen a significant change in our lives over the last year. Although there are a number of benefits to living and working in remote environments, for most of us, the balance in our everyday lives has shifted and for some people, adapting to this new way of life has proven more challenging than it has for others.
As a mom of four who owns her own business, I have struggled trying to find time for any hobbies, while my kids have taken up new hobbies all on their own. I can’t say I complain, as I love watching them become individuals and craft their personalities. My 11-year-old, unable to participate in school sports, has taken up crocheting, while my youngest has found solace in cooking caprese salad and homemade chicken tenders. It came as quite a surprise to me in a home where I thought I was raising acrobats and theatre majors; it turns out I may have a chef and a fashion designer on my hands. I never knew how rewarding it would be to watch my children find themselves in a world where the distractions were nearly eliminated. This has helped change my perspective on the effects 2020 had on my family in a positive way. Although last year brought on a host of complications, I hope you will take time to think of how it has influenced your family positively.
If you are looking for a better work-life balance, there are a number of ways you can alter your environment to dilute the stresses that have come with the shift of 2020. By utilizing free time to focus on maximizing productivity, you will be able to sustain a more balanced life as changes continue to happen. Another area you want to check in on is your self-talk – are you being nice, or have you given yourself a hard time during periods when you are struggling to catch up? Very few of us have has an easy time evolving through the pandemic and it is easy to fall into a pattern of putting yourself down, but it is a good time to learn how to forgive yourself and realize that you can not do everything for everyone. Without a resolution to the global health crisis, the best way to approach our transitional work-life balance is with patience.
Good practice is to dedicate a workspace in your home to help separate work and life. Otherwise, stressors that come with work may leak into your personal space, leaving no time to relax – ultimately throwing off your balance. Having your tools, devices, and office equipment in one area of your home will allow you to walk away from it at the end of a workday. Another way to promote balance in your life is to create a routine. By having a weekly schedule, you will feel as if you have control of your life. This routine will help soften any anxiety you may be feeling and help you stay on track. Lastly – and most important – is to take care of your health! Eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, take immune-building supplements, and wash your hands constantly. My family has kept healthy group-immunity by taking Wellness Living’s Elderberry Syrup daily. The organic ingredients in this product offer antioxidants and essential vitamins that help fight off colds and flus, thus keeping your family’s immune system healthy and balanced. Buy your Elderberry Syrup HERE and we hope you are able to find a healthy work-life balance.